Divine Channels & Ascension

The Great Karmic Release

Oct 11, 2024

The Divine Mother has Stepped in...

You will know if she has called you.

To make room for what is to come.

To become spacious and empty.

To magnetize the energy.

To detach the old karmic wounds that have been taking up space in your present.

The Divine Mother creates and destroys for liberation and release.

It is the destruction of the thoughts that grooved patterns into the mind that hurt us, shame us and limit us.

It is the opening of that which closed our hearts and separated us from ourselves, our love, our joy, our wisdom, our grace, our truth.

It is the clearing of the the clouding and obscuring of our vision. The breaking of the lens that views only from confusion, attachment, disempowerment and dismay.

It is the discarding of the attachments of experiences and the energies that drain us of our future. That bogged us down in the depths of our past, bound to the shadow of our light.

The Great Karmic Release is the emptying of all that no longer serves to empower us. What must be released for each will be different, thus triggered or illuminated in many ways, shapes, forms or energies.  The triggering for this release may come as a shock, like someone pushing a button in the deepest recessesses of your being. 

Perhaps you will have felt a slow build over time, little buttons compounding, adding the weight of each one, bringing it to the surface for release. 

Triggers are for healing. They do not bring darkness to you - They reveal and illuminate the shadow which is seeking the light. Triggers are an emanation of the Divine Mothers Loving Kindness and Fierce Desire for your Freedom from that which you've carried and been chained to for so long.

If you have been triggered recently, know that it is for great release. The trigger is not intended to destroy your peace nor your intentions for your future - The trigger is meant to aid you in discarding that which would disrupt your peace, thus creating space for an expanding and deepening peace within you. 

Triggers are not an indicator of a lack of progress. Rather, they are symbolic. They are proof of your willingness to progress. Your devotion to becoming empty and whole within. 

"The wound is where the light gets in." as the Sufi Mystic testified. In order to illuminate, release, transmute and alchemize the hurt and the pain, we must move into the deepest cut, the one made first, at the beginning. For how can one see what they choose to deny. How can one heal if they ignore that which needs to be healed.  It must be brought up and out, the seed of its origin so that it does not continue to fill your vessel. We are emptying the recesses of the mind, the psychic imprints, the memory that festers, the words caught in the throat. 

This is neither to be re-lived, nor punished for. It is not to be re-burdened upon you. It is for the releasing of the burden from your body, released from your heart, released from your mind.

It is the discarding of the blueprint you incarnated with, releasing the experiences whilst drawing out the diamond. The indestructible force of you in your infinite and unabashed wholeness and empowerment. 

The light will show you the diamonds and pearls you have gleaned and to what purpose they shall serve as you create anew a blueprint on the foundation of all elements of you are combined, re-formed into their wholeness once more - But only when the shadow wound emerges from the self.

In this way, you are clearing the wound, weeping its tears, ensuring your inner sanctum is cleared of its wounds. And when you are empty, you will see that you have made the space for light to re-emerge, to fill you, to become one with you, in the essence of the Divine Light of All that is. 

It is the space for new experiences to be realized, in order to be actualized. The cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother, where seeds your soul has yearned for, wait to be seen by you and nourished into fruition. The room you have been making for all that you want is now ready to hold, to contain and grow that which you have wanted to create.

All because of your willingness to make space, to detach from the karmic attachments that took up so much of your emotions, your thoughts, your energy; to release. And with these released you will find the emptiness and the space to receive all that is to come.

Make Room. Breathe Easy. Merge into the vastness of the void of the Divine Mother's Cosmic Womb, the unified field that is ripe with infinite possibility.

Do not be afraid to destroy the barriers to creating space within. For we are destroying that which has stopped, blocked or limited us from creating. The Great Karmic Release is a collective endeavour and yet only achieved through the personal offering of each individual's willingess to release the wound. The micro is what moves this macro. 

We do not destroy out of anger or fear or jealousy, although these can be used as catalysts for release when we have the right tools to guide us; We are illuminating and destroying to release, to transmute, to alchemize, to transform that which stands in the way of our ability to create, to evolve, to forgive, to love, to follow our own souls' path and presence of divine power within - TO CREATE.

It is within the Divine Mother's loving compassion that we see how destroying that which does not serve us, in order to create what does serve us, is the divine order of all things. We destroy with compassion, so that we may create with love. It is a release, an allowing for the sun to set West on what was, enveloped by the compassion of the Divine Mother Moon, in the dark of the night where shadows walk, she will illuminate and integrate the shadow.

And after she has devoured all that was, dissolved in the darkness of the void of the cosmic womb, the sun will rise again in the East once more. It will rise as a new dawn, in a wide open, airy and limitless blue sky. And the seeds that have been scattered far and wide will be seen and be able to receive the light, now having the room for them to grow within first and then without.

Make space for what is to come.  Transformation is just another word for Destruction and Creation. We destroy to create. It is the beginning that leads us to the end, and the end that leads us to beginning, through the process of life and death, night and day, sky and land. These are all aspects of duality yet they are one and the same. Just as birth leads to death, death leads to birth - It guides us into rebirthing a more authentic form of our Spirit embodied and expressed, freedom to create from the soul, the heart, the womb of creation. For both creation and destruction are emanations of the loving compassion of the Divine Mother.  To value wisdom is Divine, yet every step we take on the path to wisdom is just as valued in the eyes of the Divine. 

The willingness to release the old is a process of preparation when one is readying themselves to rise above the dark, a testament the Divine, the proof within that one will emerge with the dawning of the new light, as the light emerged.

Like standing on the precipice of the cliff and having the understanding that you have a choice. Do you turn back to what was, out of fear of the unknown, or doubt in yourself? Or do you jump into the unknown so that you can discover you had what you needed to fly the whole time? 

It is your choice.

Perhaps you have found yourself standing at the crossroad of what was and what will be, who you were and who you are becoming. Preparing by release. Preparing within a greater space. Preparing to rise. Preparing to jump. Preparing to fly. Preparing to embody. Preparing for your Purpose.

Or maybe you felt all this releasing happening from within you. Standing in a land of in-between, a liminal space where you've left one way of being, but have not yet fully understood, or stepped into your new way of being?

Do you sense your dawn approaching? Do you feel the space around you and within you? Do you hear the soft whispers of your soul and the Divine? Do you see the path of creation beginning to form?  

These are all indicators you are ready to build, to create, to craft, to divine, to experience, through your own will and desire, that which you choose through your 5D Blueprint, rather than what was chosen for your growth in your 3D blueprint.

Click on the link below to learn how you can Take a seat at the Cosmic Blueprint Table and bridge the gap from 3D to 5D with the Dimensions of You Blueprint Course.

It's time to take a seat at the Cosmic Blueprint table and Craft a life YOU love! 

Join us at the link below!



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