Cosmic Wisdom for the Journey




According to Venus an Ending is Occurring

Mar 02, 2025

The pains of the heart can echo long after they occurred. They leave us yearning to repair it, to heal it, to stop the ache. To keep at bay the thoughts and the feelings resulting from the wound. As Rumi said, "The wound is where the light gets in."

The ruminations of the heart wounds by Rumi - pun intended - allow our wounds to turn into wisdom. And our thoughts at times, the questions we've asked ourselves, can bring us prolonged suffering or deep revelations and heart opening liberations.  people can't meet you where you are at?

The mind that dwells in the wound will ask, Why did the one I love the most, hurt me the most? Or if another's actions, or lack there of, are truly a reflection of you? What did I do wrong? Am I not lovable? Why don't they understand me? Am I the problem?  Why do I have to do everything alone? What's wrong with them? What's wrong with me?

Sound familiar to you?

These are questions I've asked myself many times, through many betrayals, and many losses along my journey. More importantly, these ruminations of the hurting heart are  key to walking through this portal of Venus and her Council of Guides, Goddess, Planets and Centuars.

Venus in retrograde right now, is a six week portal to undoing and unravelling all the wounds of the past, extracting the poisons, and identifying what you truly desire, what you truly deserve and what you want to experience in your life.  After all, which of you wants to experience the pains and wounds and betrayals of our past, in our future?

The questions that the pain of lingering heart wounds cause us to ask are Chiron's territory - the wounded healer - the Centaur that is both the asteriod and the comet - Containing both the wound, the poison, AND the medicine within it.

The secrets that you keep in the dark recesses of your being, the betrayals of the heart, the betrayals of the mind, can be found in the realms of Guhya Kali, with the Bone Collector. She dwells in the cremation grounds of tainted love, of smoke and mirrors - where the ash of the past dissolve and reveal the path of a new dawn, a new ear. Cleansed by fire, unburdened by flame. She liberates you with her secret revelations. She guides you through the darkness of the pain, the longing and the words unspoken. She brings you into the lightness of being, the presence of your truth, and the power of your heart, once more.

And powerful Goddess Juno plays the role of the wife of Zeus, known for her fierce loyalty, her protection of women, her fertile boons and blessings. YET just as well known for her tolerance of a relationships and power dynamics that did not value, honor, or uphold the balance of that loyalty, honesty and virtue for herself. The husband and wife had opposing values, core virtues, discord at the foundation of the union.

Goddess Juno asks us this: How can one respect or revere someone or something, a person or a Goddess, that is in opposition of our true hearts desires and what we value? She says, the tolerance of less than what I deserved, was revered as if my unfailing loyalty exhonourated the acts that were not in alignment with what I desired, my core desire and divine knowing, and what I fought with courage for, for others - is what I denied to myself.

The truth of the matter is this. I was loyal to the virtue of loyalty, yet failed to give my self that loyalty. The stories are true, that indeed, I allowed the one I loved, to hurt me over and over, to be disloyal to me AND that I would still be loyal to them regardless. How can one uphold loyalty as their truth - yet accept and tolerate disloyalty in return, the very thing we stand for? 

How does one find balance without relinquishing that which is out of balance?

The truth that resides here in these secret places in the heart of the Divine Mother require Bhadra Kali. A soft and graceful releasing, indicating that gentle compassion is needed for one's heart and mind, for the places where we have accepted less, tolerated that which is not acceptable to our truth, our heart and our voice.

Goddess Juno arises again with Chiron by her side, it is time to love the self within, to understand how we relate to others how we relate to ourselves - to balance the power of dynamics in our relationship with ourself, and with others. To see that at times, we have mistakenly thought an act of another was ourselves.

It is time to clear the mirror, to sit in the sumptuous and soft lap of Venus, to be held by Mercury and to release the collective story of Zeus and Juno, whether male or female. To extinguish the story that you must accept less than, that another's inability to value themselves, to love themselves or be loyal to themselves, is a reflection of your worth, your value, and what you truly deserve with the Divine as your supply, your wealth, your life.

Guhya Kali draws down the sliver of the new moon, gently illuminating truths so liberating, so shocking, you will wonder why you held onto the wounds to begin with. You will wonder why you didn't see them before - question why you allowed yourself to be trained by another, and then unconsciously rewrite the story you do not want, again and again. 

According to Venus, this retrograde period is her prescription, her medicine that frees us from the shackles of lack, illusion, betrayals and wounds of the inner heart as it relates to our outer world. This is a portal that guides us fiercely yet compassionately, to a point where we must choose our truth, choose our heart, and choose to receive in direct alignment with our Divine Worth, our Divine Status, our Divine Truth - this is Venus' portal.

Perhaps the only question that matters is this;

Will you choose to walk through it? Will you choose to free the wounds of the heart. Will you choose to receive in alignment with your divinity, your innate worth, your infinite abundant nature? 

Or will you continue to accept less, tolerate less, do everything alone, and bear the burdens of the wounded heart for another decade...or two, or three - You decide.

The portal of Venus is open for radical shift from pain to passion, fear to excitement, wounds to wisdom. in me for a Divinely guided Venus Retrograde container with Juno, the wife of Zeus, Asheora, the wife of God, Chiron, Venus and the needed emanations of Kali all arise to lift you through this portal, as you free your heart pains and free your love, joy and ability to receive that which you are truly worthy of.

We begin the unleashing of what your heart truly deserves and yearns for on March 7th. Join us for this one time offer, as we gather in the healing circle with the Council of Venus and all her Guides to bring us through this Retrograde Portal.

For that will also mark the END says Guhya Kali. The end of an era of cycles of accepting less than, of carrying suffering, holding wounding and pains of the heart and the mind and the energy that have burdened your Spirit - and were never yours to carry to begin with.

Yuga Kali signals to our Divine hearts - Endings are Beginnings, the door is open. Your heart is ready. It is time to align with new timelines. The ones you truly want, the one your Spirit yearns for, the one you have always been destined for, dear hearts - The true Venusian path of alignment, love, respect and Divine healing of the heart, so that the Rose of YOU may bloom and glisten and finally receive the warmth and delight of the Sun.

CLICK HERE if you are ready to walk through this five week portal with the Venusian Council of Ancient Feminine Guides so you can finally claim your Divine Status and begin receiving what is in alignment with the infinite heart of you.

From my heart to yours,


PS. Use code VENUS in the next 48 hours to receive half off this one time offering!

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