Embracing the New Energies in 2025
Jan 10, 2025
Navigating the shift of a lifetime this year...
The first week of 2025 has been chock full of expanding energies that I'm sure you've all sensed energetically - like the Schumann Resonance extremes within the first 5 days of 2025. The electromagnetic fields and the Schumann resonance impact our moods, how our body functions, our circadian rhythm and even how you think!
And that was just a taste of the new energies flooding the collective consciousness throughout 2025, not to mention the multiple astrological shifts that haven't happened in hundreds of years on this planet!
We are all in this together as we enter completely new cycles and new energies throughout 2025. Embracing these powerful shifts allows us to ride the waves of energy, rather than feel like we are drowning in them! When we are highly sensitive to the energy of the earth, the resonance changes can have big impacts on us, and our sensing of the collective energy, other people in the collective consciousness as well.
At times, we can feel frustrated and burdened by the sudden shifts in the collective energies, particularly if we don't understand whats happening and try to push against them. Learning how to embrace these shifts allows us to detach and flow with the energy and release more easily, which means it passes quickly - rather than fighting against the energetic shifts, which can prolong it, give more power to it than is needed, or misread what is happening all together! The symptoms, or effects, of rapid changes in the electromagnetic fields can cause physical aches and pains, deep emotions to suddenly arise, wild spiritual experiences, plus we begin to think differently - this is because denser frequencies are shifting and lifting, which creates new and more space within our individual consciousness, in order to hold the higher frequency energies, which allows for a higher level of conscious understanding, new concepts and new paradigms to begin to flow through us.
I find this kind of energy shifts are sooo much easier to embrace when we understand a little bit more about what what is happening in our inner world, from a higher spiritual perspective!
Even better, we use the higher dimensional frequencies coupled with the Starmap of astrology and the moon cycles with our inner guidance! This gives us the opportunity to not only prepare ourselves for the energy shifts - but to HARNESS them to our greater empowerment and benefit! Now who wouldn't want that kind of heads up ?!?Being a step ahead of the curve of incoming energies, can give us the confidence and the courage we need to truly choose our best life and explore and create freely as our spirit calls us to. With that kind Cosmic Support and understanding, It's like getting to dance with the universe as your partner, as you co-create with passion and excitement for the unknown, rather than the fear of what might happen.
Whenever huge shifts and changes are happening, make no mistake, the universe's is holding out its hand for all of us. Nudging us to take the divine's hand and let it guide you, support you, and to help you create and lead a life you love. And all we have to do is take the hand of the universe and dance with the energy, ride it's waves, embrace its wild movements, deepening our presence with our inner being, revelling in the aliveness of each moment we experience. As Sri Ramana Maharish said,
"There is neither past, nor future.There is only the present. Yesterday was the present to you, when you experienced it. And tomorrow will be also the present, when you experience it. Therefore, experience takes place only in the present. And beyond experience nothing exists."
This wisdom, calls to a place deep within us, the place that yearns to feel the aliveness and the peaceful calm of stillness all at once. That feeling that happens when we are fully present with ourselves, fully immersed in flow of the moment, fully present in the experience. I don't even know if there are words to truly describe that feeling!
But we can get into that feeling again and again, when we align with the Cosmic energy and its shifts. When we tune into the energy of the moon as she waxes and then wanes. When we breathe with every fibre of our being, and listen to understand, we naturally deepen our presence, and soften our energy into the present moment and the Divine within us and around us. It allows us to come together and experience the energetic magic of holding the hand of the Divine Mother and Gaia as we shift with the energy, neither becoming it, nor denying it - simply experiencing it with awe and wonder - This is how we can experience this next phase of Awakening in the Collective through 2025 with greater flow, ease and compassion that strengthens and guides us into our power and our peace.
When we have some understanding of which energies are at play, the timing of the shifts and we actively deepen our connection and presence within us, we can rise in the experience of our authenticity and passion. We begin to dance with life again, to boldly face the waters of transformation and embrace the changes with greater ease and flow. Whether the experience feels like mighty crashing waves, or gentle, rolling swells, or even the tranquil stillness of the pond - You were born for this. You were born to awaken, to transform, to experience.
Yes I am talking to you, who knows that you are here for the Great Awakening of Consciousness - This is what you came for!
You know you came here to break free of limiting what you will allow yourself to experience! You know you came here to light up your world and experience the radiance of you! You know you came here embody all of you, your unique path and gifts an experience that is yours and yours alone! You KNOW that you came her to rise, to experience life in all its shifts, to create in all its beauty and mess, to fully live your purpose! You will also know this, if you have felt unsatisfied with your experiences, or yearn to experience more deeply, more widely, more greatly.
If you know thats all you right there, then know this;
2025 is your Year to Rise - if you choose to!
This is a historic year that holds profound energy changes in the collective and massive spiritual movements and new experiences within the collective. So are you ready to embrace the new energies and navigate the shifts and waves so you can RISE through and with the energy? We are too!!!
No matter what's happening in your world, I'm sending much love to you, as we begin the shift through this new phase of the journey. As my daughter Ava says - Live, Love, Laugh - TOGETHER!
If you're a divine feminine with a big soul purpose that is calling you, and are ready to embody your highest timeline this year and dance with life again, come and Join us in the Year of the Snake community! Come together with a soul tribe of diving feminine's with are with you on the journey of the powerful divine feminine rising! We are gathering in community to listen to the wisdom of Grandmother moon, align with the greater cosmic energy shift, and learning the astrological building blocks so we can navigate and flow with the changing energies in 2025 and rise to thrive, in 2025!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to align with the Cosmic shifts, ride Gaia's waves and be with a community of women just like you, for all of it! Get the details on how to join us at the link below before the doors close on January 13th! And let's boldly step into the new experiences of your presence, power and purpose this year! CLICK HERE TO RISE WITH US THIS YEAR