Full Moon in Gemini brings Choice Points
Dec 15, 2024The Cosmic Energy at play. The twins & Jupiter set the stage for Abundance & Change
Do you ever notice how sometimes people rehash where they have been, reliving its sorrows, reminding themselves of the hurts and feeling all of its lack? That sometimes we mistakenly believe that is what we are, why we are and who we are? Thank god for the underlying cosmic energy shifts right now! Jupiter and the Gemini Full Moon are shifting those energies into their deeper purpose of using that negativity to propel into positivity. When one understands where they’ve been in the past year, they will see clearly where it has actually been taking them, not dwelling on the rollercoaster, but recognizing that we have been sifting and shifting, so we may move more freely, create more freely, and aim higher. As we culminate the end of 2024 and take the time to reflect on an incredibly powerful year of perhaps crazy internal and external changes, we can start to see the building blocks of our future that have been taking form under the surface. It is a powerful place to be, when you suddenly see clearly and understand that where you’ve been has been setting the stage and pointing the way to expanding into where you want to be. The planets, the houses, the signs and transiting aspects are all moving with the greater cosmic energy so that one may see this clearly.
This full moon in Gemini is NOT just your typical moon of releasing a karmic cycle - it is also conjunct with Jupiter and the expansive energy that pushes us beyond the old cycle and into right into a new one that is no longer fraught with old patterns and old embodiments. Jupiter is the ability to expand beyond limitations into possibility. The full moon illuminates and is releasing all that is in the way of the light of expansion.
Now Gemini plays a more significant role in this than one might perceive at first…It represents the twins, the yin and yang and is the opposite sign of Sagittarius, the season which we are in. The shadow side of Geminid twin is showing us where we’ve been, providing a choice point as Jupiter’s energy shines brilliant light into where we truly wish to go, deepening our belief in the self to go further than we once thought - that is within the light side of Geminid twin energy. This energy can be ridiculously loud yet quietly illuminating and limitless. The synchronicity of the Geminid meteor shower that cusped this full moon in Gemini, speaks to the light being rained down in the dark of the psyche - Drops of expansive Jupiter.
La Loba is stepping in now to illuminate further how this potent energy can guide us…A sign as one may perceive, she says, an omen of auspicious change in the dark night of the womb of creation, the void, where one can see clearly the brightest light of their spirit, the path by which their soul is yearning shines bright in this void. The Geminid constellation rains the meteors cosmic dust and fallen stars as the brilliant lights falling to the earth, to manifest, to create. From the darkness of shadow comes the most stunning light. The fallen stars burned brilliantly, as a call to action for those that have been shifting and clearing, to move forward as the sacred fool of their lives. To burn brightly in the darkness of night, for it is that very darkness, that we can see your light so clearly. While the moon is illuminating and clearing an entire way of being - so too is it ripe for the embodiment of lightness and a prosperous spirit.
She shows me the Gemini sign, the two halves seemingly separate, yet one is pushing the other into the wholeness, she says, for are they not one to begin with? Souls are jumping from Saturn to Jupiter. They are stopping the cycle of karmic activity that has been outgrown on the rings of Saturns lessons. Once stopped they land on Jupiter, expanding into greater possibilities and what new cycle they wish to create, to embody - with Jupiter’s loving boundlessness opening the gates to more. Once retrieved, decided, intended and claimed by the soul that harnesses the planetary energy of the expansive Jupiter, they move back to Saturn. A new ring created, a new adventure to be lived and experienced, to begin a new journey. The twins of Gemini, says the Bone Collector, are but the yin and the yang within, the masculine and feminine within, the shadow and the light within, the small self and the higher self - And when they work as one, they move beyond what was and harness great strength, courage, power and presence. Two become one. And in the wholeness of one, one is able to create new rings, new journeys. The one that is one within, knows that they can draw on all of the aspects, arising as the warrior when needed, settling into grounded peace when needed, creating with divine inspiration when called. Ahhh…the one, she says, it is the one that knows they create the ring. And it is the one that knows they can stop the ring of a cycle. The ones at half, at doubt, at fear, at hate are in separation of their very own one, thus will continue the cycle of reconciling the duality within. But the ones that use this energy to shed the limits of the karmic cycle and merge with the oneness of all that is, embodying the lower and the higher self….it is inevitable that they move into a new cycle.
A chorus of star guides arrive holding Pluto and Saturn now. Every planet has a purpose and an energy and they all work together, admiring each others roles, providing helping hands to one another, as they weave the cosmic energies to uplift the people. For Pluto shifted from Capricorn to Aquarius yet both are ruled by Saturn. The collective is shedding an old cycle, a Saturnian and saturnine ring is now being put to rest, its lessons learned with Capricorn. And as Pluto shifted into the star and golden healing of Aquarius, it signalled that the new cycle has begun. Although it is a cosmic ruling of the rings of Saturn and the cycles of Karma, new cycles are a result of new Kama (desire) that takes ahold within the soul, begetting the new cycle. Now Jupiter says La Loba, provides the opening of expansion, the very essence of a new flow of creative energy and higher frequencies, which then allows my dear Pluto to work her magic of grounding the one’s higher self, merging with the small self - no longer separate, but as ONE.
A new cycle has already begun. The Gemini moon sets the stage for final release of the internal shifts over the last year and illuminates the light of possibility and prosperity - so Jupiter can take a higher aim from deeper within, because Pluto has already been shifting and stirring, illuminating and planting, to set the stage for a new cycle, new adventure, new embodiment to be experience, thus creating a new ring for Saturn. The old rings that revolved within its own cycle, shifted into the revolution of cycles, the revolution then causing the breaking of cycles. The new ring of Saturn that has begun, is the result and evolution from old to new.
Hence he squaring of multiple planets within the Archers Portal of December. Each bringing us to choicepoints, crossroads and powerful new kama, that can change the course of one’s life into the highest timeline for that soul - One only needs listen to the energy, the soul and the guidance.
For knowledge is power. Not because it gives us power. Rather, it gives us the power to reflect, choose and plan. Knowledge provides the power of choice to be enacted from a place of understanding, wisdom and clarity. It shows us what we need to know about ourselves in order to make better choices that are aligned with a better future and our soul’s vision. The planets, the energies, the cycles are based on narratives - narratives that are giving us the power of choice. The boundless truth to choose based on our understanding of where we have been and the old cycle AND embracing the new cycle of where we wish to go.
This moon has many shades of light, of oneness and duality. The Cold moon of December, the twins of Gemini and the expansive abundant Jupiter are handing you the reigns for a new cycle. What direction will you choose dear heart? How high will you aim your arrow of light? For the Divine has been working diligently behind the scenes, with all the cosmic planets shifting and aligning for your success and fulfillment. You have been anchoring and deepening the footing of the soul, which allows you to aim even higher. Aim higher, says La Loba as she gently touches the bottom of the bow, tilting the arrows path up to Jupiter. She smiles softly and her words echo in the void…All the stars are closer. Aim higher. The new cycle has already begun.
Oh..and I may have forgot to mention that Mercury (communication) is also DIRECT today...What a moon. What a night. And what incredible energy this is indeed!
Happy Full Moon beautiful Souls!
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