Cosmic Wisdom for the Journey




Love is Evolving You

Feb 05, 2025

Love. A word we reach for, ache for, chase, and sometimes fear.

But have you ever noticed? Spelled backward, love becomes evol—the very beginning of evolve. Or that addressing you as Beloved in this email, is a simple divine acknowledgement for you to 'Be Loved', and addressing you as a reminder of that which you are.

Love is not something we earn. It is not something we wait for, search for, or prove ourselves worthy of. Love is evolution. It is the unfolding of the Divine within us, the rising of our spirit beyond guilt, beyond shame, beyond the old stories that have told us we are anything less than whole.

We are always in a state of love’s evolution—returning, remembering, reclaiming. With every inhale, we draw in the essence of creation. With every exhale, we release the illusions of separation. Love evolves us through all its blessings and all its pains. Even through the limits we place upon Love, where our hearts have been broken or hurt. And yes, even the idea of Love that each of us may have, is evolving us into a deeper love, a Divine unconditional love within.

But how often do we truly feel this? How often do we see how love evolves us into our own divinity and self love?How often do we say yes to love to evolving us, no matter the highs and the lows it may bring? How often do we love ourselves without condition - or love others without condition, just as they and we are? How often do we allow ourselves to step into the roaring ocean of Divine Love that is waiting—patiently, endlessly—for us to turn our gaze toward it?

This is the invitation. To return. To surrender. To evolve into the love of you, the unconditional divine love that you already are.

This is something I was called to many times. Sometimes it called me in the darkness of my heart. Other times it called me in the ineffable moments of divine connection and bliss.

And then there was this moment when my heart was so moved, and I heard the Divine whisper, asking again, if I would open the space for Divinity and Love to be remembered, embodied, and experienced - wholly and unconditionally.

I could have said no. I could have let the moment pass like before.

But who would say no to the Love of Divinity itself? Who would turn away from the sacred rivers of grace longing to flow through, to heal, to awaken, to be?

So I said yes.


I said yes as I dove into the depths of grief over my youngest daughter. I said yes to the trivial, the illogical, the unfounded. I said yes when my fear said no. I said yes to to seeing the divine in the darkest of places and lightest of places. I said yes to allowing the death of who I had become - And I said yes to unfolding into who I am becoming. I said yes to trusting, yes to faith, yes to Spirit. I said yes to it all - Because it was all about saying yes to ME.

Saying yes to the Divine, is saying to You - Your are the Divine!

Saying yes to love, yes to freedom, to compassion, to expansion - Yes to everything that is the possibility of you. Divine love is not fluff - It evolves us into our power, our truth, our desires and our dreams. Divine Love is the reason I kept getting back up, the reason I feel so much joy, its how I can see other souls and the Divinity and love of them.  If you aren't a yes to be loved by the Divine, to being connected to the Divinity that you are ... are you really a yes to YOU?

Whether love has held you, washed over you, raised you up, or hurt you and held you down - Love evolves us, no matter the form, nature or expression love has taken. Divine Love shows us we are loved, when we don't feel loved at all. It lights up the dark for us, when we are on the brink of being swallowed by that darkness. It dissolves barriers of hurt and wounds because it is infinite and abundant and sees all....Divine Love is ineffable, yet you can easily connect to it and experience it for yourself.

It was also from a recent yes, that an 8-Day Sacred Journey of Awakening Divine Love Within was birthed—a space beyond time, beyond conditioning, where we return to the infinite wellspring of love that has never left us and strengthen our connection to the Divinity within.

Are you ready to experience the Divine Love that has been waiting for you all along?

Through this journey, you will:
 Remember that love is not outside of you—it is the breath that moves through you.
🌊 Surrender to the healing tides of Divine Love and release old patterns of guilt, shame, and self-abandonment.
🔥 Rise into the embodiment of your divine worth, setting boundaries that honor your sacred heart.
🌹 Reclaim the divinity and love that has always belonged to you, the love that has never left you, the divine love that you are.

Join me LIVE for this powerful 8-day journey of Awakening and Embodying the frequencies of Divine Love together, and remember your sacred wholeness within. JOIN THE SACRED JOURNEY HERE

With love, with truth, with the infinite unfolding of the Divine within you - Blessed be, Beloved Ones.


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