Lunar New Year Snake's Wisdom and Aquarius' Vision
Jan 29, 2025
A new chapter is unfolding, and we’re at the edge of something extraordinary.
As the New Moon in Aquarius brings the fresh innovative energy of freedom, and the Lunar New Year of the Snake heralds a year of deep shifting and rebirth - We are poised for the kinds of transformation that radically shift us to align with the highest potential of ourselves.
The Yin energy of the Wood Snake symbolizes a year of self liberation, rebirth, mystery and profound transformations, resulting in powerful shifts, both personally and collectively. The snake is symbolic of death and life, a deeply feminine and transformative rebirth and energy of change. When a snake sheds its skin, sloughing off the old, she is re-birthed anew. Leaving behind the heavy skin of the past, she is renewed with a vibrant and tender new skin. She does not die. Rather, a version of herself dies, no longer needed for the next phase of her journey, and reveals a greater version of herself underneath it all.
Snake medicine represents the shifting out of old ways of being, shedding skins of identities that no longer fit us. They bring the birthing of a new way of being, unleashing a fresh new life force energy from within it - Identity shifting, Change, Rebirth and Transformation are in her DNA. The snake, also known as the healer, is further represented by the missing or non-existent (depending on your perspective) 13th zodiac Ophiucus, a constellation in the form of man and the snake, nestled between Scorpio, Death & Rebirth, and Sagittarius, the energy of Spiritual Expansion, Higher Consciousness & Learning.
I love how this 13th sign/constellation effortlessly lands in between Death and Expansion! And how natural it is for snake medicine to envelope the intimate process of the natural cycle of life, death and rebirth. AND upon looking even closer, we discover that WE are just like the snake....
We naturally shed dead skin cells and hair then just as quickly, new hair and healthy skin cells grow without us even thinking about it. Rebirth is in our DNA.
We naturally transform from one stage to another through the cycle of our lives, from babe, to maiden, to mother, to chrone. Transformation is in our DNA.
We are natural born healers, with the capacity to shed layers of emotional, psychological and even physical pain - revealing deep wisdom and inner strength through this process. Healing is in our DNA.
Transformation is in our DNA—and now is the time to let it unfold.
The healing and transformative properties of snake medicine and her powers, are bold and mysterious, exciting and terrifying as it brings deep internal change that powerfully shifts our external world. She acts as a spirit animal guide that brings us through the process of our healing, transformation, rebirth and liberation - which brings me to the Mahavidya, Chinnamasta.
Through the last half of 2024 I was working deeply with the dimensional process of creating realities, along with the powerful Feminine energies of the ten Great Wisdom Goddesses, the Mahavidyas. They represent distinct aspects of the Divine Mother, divinity and the self, and are powerful energies intent on guiding spiritual seekers towards liberation, or moksha. The fifth Mahavidya, Chinnamasta, the Wisdom Goddess of Self liberation and Radical Transformation, translates as beheaded, arises for these powerful shifts and reckonings of the mind and the realities it creates - Self liberation, transformation and healing are in our DNA. The Mahavidya's are synonymous with the deeply transformative energy of Snake medicine, transformation and alchemy.
And we too, are natural born self liberators. We have the power to think and to choose, to explore and to question. We too, have the capacity to liberate ourselves from the grips of fear and lack. We too, can choose to accept ourselves, without needing the acceptance of others. We too, have the power to tap into the self liberating wisdom of Goddess Chinnamasta and the Deep Rebirth and Transformation of the Snake Medicine and Wisdom of the powers to regenerate anew - IF we dare to reveal and embody our true nature, essence and freedom, that is!
Even with just a small understanding of the liberating wisdom of Chinnamasta and the transformative power of the Snake medicine this year, we can begin to see just how far we have come. The weaving of ancient feminine wisdoms working together. We begin to discover that we have been on a journey of soul revelations that were divinely designed to transform us and liberate us into the embodiment of more authentic ways of being, new skins, new experiences, new expressions of self, and a new understanding and perspective of this crazy journey we call life.
We are at the edge of something extraordinary, beautiful souls - A shift that perhaps there are no words to fully articulate the magnitude of. Perhaps we don't need words, because transformation is a sacred process that is in our DNA. A snake doesn’t fear shedding its skin—it knows it must in order to grow. We only need let the snake's wisdom show us the way to unfold into the next stage of your journey.
Wishing you all the magic and transformation with this beautiful New Moon and Lunar New Year energy! â¨đđ
Erin - xo