The Retrieval - Bone Collector Wisdom Series
Oct 20, 2024
When the bone collector arrives the wheel is being turned. The roots are shifting. What's lost can now be found. Longing satiated. Wholeness re-membered. The past dissolving and remaining in the past. The water of emotions purified. The fire of creation burning away old wood, stoked with new wood, new sparks, more air, more space, more bones. The
A collective retrieval of the bones of wisdom is at hand. With every bone retrieved, a new dimension is perceived, a new dance begins to form. Shifting us from one timeline to another and another. Asking us to activate our forgotten soul song, so that a new dance can awaken. so that we may dance like the golden shimmering stars, delight with every step, rest with every breath, excitement to partake in the journey of life again.
La Loba first came to me years ago to retrieve many of my missing bones; in their place lived grief and shame, sorrow and lack, a shell of person without my bones. She helped me clean them, to draw out their wisdom, to find their power, to embody their make them sing and dance again. So that I could sing and dance again with the rhythm of cosmic dance of life itself. These mystical encounters changed me with every bone I retrieved with her. Or rather, she dripped the sweetness of worth and wild upon them, ensuring the bones needed to support this were retrieved, cleaned, honed, returned as wisdoms. She has poured enough wisdoms for many a book now...and it is time to share her wisdoms, her bones, her beauty, her truths. Let us begin with the Retrieval of bones.
La Loba unravels the tall tales we've told ourselves, the collective stories that built the house of who we think we are. She shows us what we used to fill the empty space where one of our bones had gone missing, where the structure isn't sound. The stories of Gods and men, the stories of Heavens and Hells. The stories of lack and wealth. And it is foretold, that all the stories in all the lands, would shift, and the burdens would be cast off and hearts would flourish and minds would marvel at this new era. Where every bone was back in its rightful place and the soul singing the song that made its bones dance again. The soul restoring the back bone, the breast bone, the collar bone, the shin bone, the hip bone. Each bone a role, an energy, an essence that makes up the whole of us - the whole structure of the skeleton. And when a bone, or two or three, have gone missing, been cast into the abyss, been broken or fragmented, the structure of us weakens. The bones akin to the structure of the self, where if one has gone missing the self suffers, feeling lack, unworthiness, fear, separation - all because a bone of wisdom has been missing, hiding in the debris of our experience.
The tall tales usually begin when a bone within the self is denied, dismissed or shamed and discarded. And where the bone once danced, that space becomes filled with the stories and the beliefs of what that bone should have been or shouldn't have been, attempting to change the divine structure of bones, the soul had chosen in the beginning. And whether the bones were discarded a thousand years ago, or forty years ago, or yesterday. They are suspended in time, waiting for us to retrieve them. For time is not the enemy of man, but the gift by which our lost bones can be found.
It is not La Loba that comes to you, rather it is you who comes to her, you who calls her, you who decides it is time. Time that your soul must sing and your bones must dance with the divine song. You see, La Loba's door is always there, waiting until our soul yearns to sing its unique song and dance its unique dance. Some knock on her door when they can no longer tolerate the shadow and confusion, the tall tales no longer making sense, the surface no longer fulfilling, the imbalance simply not sustainable, the need for liberation and faith becoming more powerful than the fear of experiencing it. This is usually when one knocks on the Bone Collectors door. It is a confirmation that one is ready to retrieve their bones and activate their soul song, their destiny.
Retrieving bones is a journey indeed, filled with signs and symbols, of whispered truths that arrive in the most unexpected moments, with effortless simplicity. Like sweet honey dripping its treasure abundantly into the fertile mind and heart of the bone seekers, when they least expect it. It is a path of mystical experiences full of connections and encounters that helps us map the journey of the soul. When one chooses this powerful type of destiny journey, the soul and the bone that long for each other begin to call to one another, through dreams and visions, people and places, knowings and feelings. The closer they get, the more the soul and the bone begin to converge. The energy becomes magnetized between them, until they merge into form, into one again, into alignment and freedom.
As the soul draws nearer its bones, its melody begins to play within them, the symphony of their structure re-membering its wholeness, its wisdom, its song, its bones. And as they dance together as one structure, one wisdom, the sense of wholeness flourishes again. When all the bones are back in their rightful place, each bone a note of our souls symphony, we begin to dance in alignment with great symphony within us, our soul and its structure a harmonic resonance of delight, freedom and peace. Each bone holding a note, a power, a wisdom that adds to the skeleton, strengthening our structure of the God within us. Just as the oceans and rivers need the land to hold them, to be their basin, give structure - so too, does the land need the rivers and waters to sustain their basin, the containers that hold our waters. The soul is just as wise knowing the bones are the land and the soul is her water. The bones know it needs its soul to dance, and the soul knows it needs the bones to dance.
As the collective consciousness shifts and groans in this shift, shaking free of lower densities, opening their consciousness into higher dimensions, it is apparent that we are indeed retrieving our bones of wisdom and power and grace. Like the ache of a broken heart, or the shame of not being what another wishes you to be, or the feeling that love has eluded you, or the fear of speaking your truth.
When the bone collector arrives, be assured that your bones are returning to their rightful place, and they will sing and dance in places you'd forgotten, breaking down the walls within that seemed to bar the feeling of freedom. For what was lost is being found. Our missing bones are calling us to retrieve them, to activate their soul song, to dance a new dance.
Join me as we retrieve our bones of wisdom and activate their forgotten songs of our destiny. And sing the song that makes your bones come alive with the wisdoms of courage, abundance, power, creativity, transformation and destiny. For just as ones destiny is a chosen path, so too is retrieving the bones needed to fulfill the destiny you choose.
Are you ready to retrieve your bones of courage, bones of light, bones of power, bones of peace and bones of wisdom? Join me and the Wisdom of La Loba and the Goddesses, as we retrieve our lost bones and activate their forgotten song and the dance of our destiny.
The Bone Collector Wisdom Series
-Erin E Chandler
Are you ready to retrieve and activate the bones of your courage, your abundance, your power, or your creativity and destiny frequencies? Choose the bones you want to activate with in the Goddess Sessions:
Feel like your bones are ready to dance? Shift from your 3D mission to your 5D purpose and craft a life you love, with the dimensional map of the 5D blueprint - A journey through the layering process of how our realities are created, how to deconstruct ones you no longer want, and how to create ones you do want! Check out the Dimensions of You 5D Blueprint Creator: