If you've been on a soul journey for awhile now and are feeling the struggles of this shift, or wondering why your inner world just doesn't seem to reflect in your outer world -  Its time to ditch the struggle and walk through the dimensional door to freedom, so you can craft a life you actually love! 


It's time to Fall in Love with Life Again!


Bridging the Gap from 3D to 5D requires us to unearth our power and discover our Divine Purpose! It's time to exit the 3D Mission Blueprint and create from the authentic soul embodiment of your 5th dimensional power, pleasure, presence and peace! Kickstart your journey into understanding some of the processes of creation and begin walking a path that you can truly get excited and passionate about - One that is led by your SOUL, fuelled by your MISSION and fulfilled through your 5D PURPOSE!  

Sounds good right? But HOW does one just do that? The key is the map you are using and the alignment (or misalignment) of the three dimensional triunes that are the foundations of the planes of creations. So if you are not in love with your life right now, the map you are using doesn't work for you!  Our families gave us their map, our teachers gave us another map, our friends, our peers, our partners - they all gave us their maps for life!  When you are using someone else's map the dimensions that make up each trinity will be out of alignment, causing frustration, low self worth, feeling unfulfilled and generally disconnected from who you truly are and the clarity of what you desire and if it is possible.

The REAL map you're looking for is within the dimensional aspects of your soul's blueprint!  You will not find YOUR map in someone else. This is GOOD news! Because our soul has direct access to the multiple Dimensions that each serve a purpose for your soul's unique journey and blueprints!  All you need is to understand the dimensional process of creation and how the dimensions architect a souls' life and experiences!

The Dimensions of You is a unique mapping system that teaches you the purpose of each dimension and how they make up our reality. This knowledge helps us to understand our inner world and outer world - past, present and future, so that we can shift into creating from our 5D Blueprint from a place of presence, power and peace. In order to craft a life we love, we must explore how it works and what our soul's true authentic love is. 

Understanding your Soul's unique blueprint and how experiences are built into your blueprint, allows you to see the spiritual, mental and physical planes that make up your reality! This is where you discover how easily you can discard, transform, shift, transcend, choose and create anew from a higher dimensional frequency and life a life you actually love and are excited about!

Imagine having the tools and dimensional knowledge to finally move beyond your past experiences AND begin choosing and creating the experiences that you actually want, so you can live a life you LOVE! 

To love a life you live, is to sing your soul's song authentically, and creates great harmony within the self and the collective.

Are you ready to craft that life of authentic love, power, presence and great harmony?


For a long time I couldn't figure out why my inner world was not reflecting in my outer world. It felt like I was missing something that everyone else seemed to get, but me. Like no matter how hard I worked, did all the stuff, I always seemed to be behind where I (and everyone else) thought I should be. That's because I was using someone else's map and didn't understand the process of bridging the gap from the spiritual to the physical, and the 3D to the 5D!

Until I realized the keys to my kingdom were already existing in the higher dimensional planes of spiritual wisdom and that all I had to do was OPEN THE DOOR!

Walking through the door to Spirit and this Dimensional process of creation  changed everything for me and took many years of gathering, teaching, experiential learning and higher dimensional guidance. It was the door to creating what mattered most to me, not what mattered to everyone else!

Step into your purpose and create what matters most to you, and sing your soul's song using the dimensions to guide your soul's creations of your version of heaven on earth. The Dimensions of You course will show you how to:

  • Move beyond your Past! Understand and release past experiences and limitations from your 3D Mission Blueprint 
  • Unlock your Multidimensional aspects and discover how to Bridge the Gap from the 3D to the 5D.
  • Understand the structure of the dimensional process of creating and deconstructing realities and paradigms.
  • Discover which of the three plane's are out of alignment and which Dimensional understanding you need to reharmonize and align with to manifest and create with grace and ease.
  • Embody your higher self, (which is the higher dimensional aspects of you) and create a life you love with the practical tools, dimensional knowledge and spiritual wisdom and teachings of the Dimensions of You 5D Map that is designed to support your soul's unique life purpose and journey!

It’s time to nurture yourself like never before.

It's time to embrace your true power and remember.

It's time to create your Heaven within, and ground it into reality on the physical plane.

And it's time to live a life you love!

Start Creating Your 5D Blueprint Today!

Dimensions of You

A 6-week course designed to help you create a life you love!

Unlock your power, presence & purpose, along with the tools you need to embody your 5D Blueprint and Create the things that matter to your Spirit!


Proven Process

 6 self-paced modules with over  30 classes that are filled with easy to understand spiritual and mental tools and processes with higher dimensional teachings that you can apply to your life immediately!

Access higher Dimensions

Learn the roles each dimension serves in the process of creating experiences. Apply the tools of  three planes and 13 dimensions so that you can begin choosing & creating experiences you truly want and embody your higher self!

Private Online Support

Experience the support you need when you need it!  This course offers online support and guidance throughout your journey of creating your 5D Blueprint, ensuring your ability to choose the most empowered and self actualized path for you!

Lifetime Access

Receive lifetime access plus all new content and classes added along the way!  You can tweak or change up your blueprint as time goes on or Join us at the beginning of every year to craft and create a whole new Blueprint for a whole new year!

Start Creating Your 5D Blueprint Today!



"To Live a life you love, you must first understand that you have the power within you to create it. Let your Soul lead you, your mission fuel you and your purpose be the fulfillment of you and a life you love."


- Erin Chandler

Dimensions Blueprint Preview


3D Mission Blueprint

Understand the first three dimensions and the role they play in creating the third dimension mapping system in order for you to experience the 3D Mission Blueprint you incarnated here with. The third dimension is a powerful trinity, to both seeing where we gave our power away, and how we take it back! When the soul's 3D mission is understood dimensionally, it naturally leads your transition into your 5D Purpose Blueprint and Embodiment. 


Bridging the Gap from 3D to 5D 

Understand how the first three dimensions offers a crucial understanding and connectivity for all other dimensions. Learn how the main lower chakras and the three corresponding subtle energy bodies operate in the first three dimensions and clear your inner slate. Utilize these structures with and discover how to clear, heal, embody and ground your energy centres to help you solve 3D problems with 5D solutions so you can finally transcend the 3D Mission residue and patterning!


5D Purpose Blueprint

Explore the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions as you tap into your potential timelines, your true inner power and the Architects for the 3D. Your 5D Purpose Blueprint is crafted through your embodiment of your sacred wholeness and power. Learn how to consciously create the 5D Blueprint Structure with steps that show you how to direct, embody and ground your flow to actually create the life you want to live - led by your soul, fuelled through the 3D mission and fulfilled within as you align with your 5D purpose Blueprint.


Charting Your Course

Access the 7th, 8th and 9th Dimensions and tap into the spiritual teachings and guiding forces that help shape and mold the blueprint you wish to create to fulfill your purpose.  These dimensions lend a helping hand to learning how to merge the spiritual dimensions with the material dimensions, so that you can actively embody a life of freedom and fulfillment on all levels.


Grounding Your Divine Pathways

Embody your new Blueprint by tapping into the power of the 13th dimension so you can root and ground your version of heaven into the earth plane with heart, power and presence!  Explore the energies of the 10th ,11th and 12th dimensions and the cosmic tools they provide as you continue to embody and shape your world to enrich your visions and experiences.


Living Consciously & Multi Dimensionally

Once you have authentically crafted a foundation for a life we love, we need to know how to Maintain it! Discover how to set and achieve your goals with the Dimensions, so that you can empower every area of your life and continue building and merging the spiritual and material worlds through the dimensions.  know which dimension to utilize and at what time for your specific journey and purpose, with ease and confidence!



Are you ready to take a seat at the Cosmic Blueprint Table and Craft a Life you LOVE? 



Join us to start creating your 5D Purpose Blueprint Today!

Fellow Soul Travellers Course Experiences


"When I am in your presence I feel that I am with the Divine. I am moving through the dimensions when driving home today with thoughts that I have a life that is meaningful and well-worth living. That is where this work has taken me-I wish everyone could come to the place that I am!" 

Kim - Unleash the Goddess

"Finally, the “breadcrumbs” make sense and ditto on the “Holy Shit” comment below about this experience" Spiritual Expansion Course


"I'm very grateful to be a part of this, it's been and continue to be, life changing and a huge support in my expansion. Thank you Erin, YOU are amazing! This entire lesson was extremely informative. I can't say that I now know it all, but just having been exposed to it feels like it's opening doors for me through which I can move forward. Thank you!" Own Your Intuitive Course.


"Where do I begin! I feel like a Jedi Knight that’s been initiated. lol I love you Erin. My Angels make sure I hear certain words very clearly. When I can really let go and drop in, magic happens. Dragons galore!! God’s eye is amazing!! Thank you Ava!! Thank you Erin! Thank you white horse! Thank you God! Thank you Merlin!! Everyone helping me is so awesome!! The lights have been turned up so bright." Spiritual Expansion Course


Start Your New Life.


Imagine moving through a mapping system that unlocks your inner power and wholeness, propelling you into the driver's seat of your life. When you take control of your destiny, love and fulfillment become within reach, and your dreams can finally unfold before you.

Those aspirations that seem out of reach? They are achievable when you tap into your 5D Blueprint. Do you feel like something is missing or experience a sense of being stuck? Accessing your 5D solutions of power, presence, and peace will help you find clarity and overcome any obstacles that stand in your way.

With The Multidimensional Map System, you'll not only gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life but also chart a path to living the life of your dreams. This system empowers you with the insights and tools to conquer any challenges, opening doors to a future bursting with opportunities and reigniting your passion for living. It's time to take the first step towards your new life today!

Step into your TRUE Power & Purpose HERE!

It's exhausting living out of alignment with your authentic Self - That's why having the right MAP with the right tools for your unique Soul's journey, ensures your success,  and prevents you from living half a life.



Included with This Course Are These Amazing Bonuses!

First Bonus Feature

Higher Dimensional Channellng and Guidance to help you assess and create the timeline you actually want

Second Bonus Feature

Downloadable worksheets and guides to help you apply the map of the different dimensions and apply them to your own life

Third Bonus Feature

Bonus quantum meditations to help you get even clearer on your desires deep within, so you can create them without!

Open The Door to Your Freedom HERE!

Hi! I'm Erin.

It's time to get back into alignment with YOU! your power and purpose!

For many years I struggled with sacrificing myself for others. It was only when I realized that dimming myself down all the time, so that others could feel big for just a moment, was never going to work for me, or for them! And when I finally chose me, all the obstacles on the path to fulfillment, joy, abundance, creating and inner peace, became obvious. This is when the higher dimensional path began to open up and I was shown the purpose of the obstacle and the way around through various Spiritual Levels, Layers and Dimensions of Consciousness and accessing the Quantum Field.

After years of channelling, connecting and teaching these intuitive arts to others, I've had the opportunity to sit at the Cosmic Blueprint table with hundreds of Kindred Souls to provide their Spirits Higher Dimensional Guidance to share healing, grace and revelations of the self at various points in their journeys. 

So If you are ready to transform, to level up your life, to choose you, to receive divinity, to expand your power, to feel the exhiliration of your joy, and to finally create and embody your version of Heaven on Earth through your 5D Blueprint and higher frequencies- You are in the right place!

Get started on your 5D Blueprint HERE!

Additional Testimonials 


"This course is so much more than I expected when I signed up. I love your pre talk, it gives a deeper understanding of everything we goes through. I had a very deep clearing of emotions day three, it was unbearable so I asked my soul for help. My wish came true in the next session, it was exactly what I needed, it was so powerful ."

Marie E.

"I have tingles as I'm writing this as this journey has literally changed my LIFE, my reality, my consciousness, perspective, awareness and understanding of myself, my path, my experience and my purpose "

Lea C.

"Each lesson is so powerful and I can feel a shift each day! Your message about creating was another piece of the puzzle falling into place. I had an aha moment  realizing that the issues I have are about me, owning who I am, coming home to me and setting boundaries and not allowing anyone else to set boundaries for me. My path forward is so much clearer as I disentangle my energy instead of me trying to fix everything. This was so validating and so needed. Thank you!"

Krista H.

"Erin is like an electrical conduit you are able to plug into and receive all types of energy and insight from. She has a rare gift that she is able to share with others in the most positive uplifting manner, helping them better understand the meaning and purpose of their life now."

Marion M.
Understand your Life

Move beyond your past and the limitations it created, finding Clarity and a new found understanding so that your future is no longer a repeat of your past.

Commit to Your Success

Own your Power unapologetically as you create your world the way you want, with tools that help you stay committed to you and rooted in a new stronger foundation.

Live Your Best Life

Learn how to Embody the experiences, the wholeness and the freedom that come with architecting a Life you Love and knowing how to maintain and elevate even further!

Learn how to Craft your 5D Blueprint TODAY!

Frequently Asked Questions