Are You Ready to level up your Divine Connections?

This is all about you. This is all about the Divine. This is about the Divine access you have within you!

We are all born with a direct line to Spirit, consciousness and our abilities to connect. These gifts are seamlessly built into our internal compass, an integral part of who we are, what we are and why we are. It's simply a matter of knowing HOW to tap into this frequency & WHAT your unique way of connecting is!

Designed by Spirit to help you tap into the Spiritual experiences you WANT and get the foundational understandings you NEED, in order to OWN your intuitive and HONOUR your divine self. 

 Awaken, Align and Embody


 Begin bridging the gap from 3D to 5D and OWN the incredible quantum spiritual gifts built into your Spirit and souls Blueprint! If you want a clear connection & to balance your frequency at a higher level - to feel the presence and loving hand of God, Creator, Source, Spirit, All that Is. Perhaps, you are just starting out on a spiritual path. Or maybe you have been walking the path for some time now and your gifts have opened so wide that you want to understand and command them, owning your intuitive so it doesn't own you! Either way, it's time to embody the divine ascension energy and begin bridging the gap between 3D & 5D, and rooting the higher frequencies into Gaia!

Further expand your spiritual journey, and begin understanding the process of creation, the spiritual, mental and physical planes, so that you can trust all your signs, all your shifts, all your messages and your deep soul purpose and knowings with a crystal clear understanding of yourself and your Divine purpose.

Discover how you can tap into your your Psychic abilities, Mediumship, The Art of Channelling, How to Master your Energy fields and the power of the Quantum Field. Establish a strong connection with your Angels, Shamanic Guides, Ascended Masters and Starseed Origins. Discover how to tap into your Past lives, with the Akash, Journeying, Quantum Jumping, Architecting experiences and Decoding your Dreams & Visions.

Whether you want to learn more about the dimensions, the different spheres of consciousness, the Trinity of Reality Plane, or how to craft a life you love and command your own energy - You are in the right place.

It' time to learn how to shine your glorious divine light even brighter and bolder with an unshakeable Divine Connection from Within you. It' time to OWN your Intuitive. Own your Power. Anchor your Light & Own your LIFE!

See all Courses Below!

Are you feeling like your intuition is on again-off again? Are you always asking for a 'signier sign' doubting? Or maybe you feel like the gifts you have are a burden, too sensitive or confusing experiences? 


Sign up to the email list to be notified of our ONLINE ONLY courses that are available soon! These courses have been shown to help you get connected & expand your consciousness to the next level of clarity & wisdom!

Here's just a few of the courses from my private library of Spirit taught intuitive classes

Master Your Energy

Feeling the collective energy swings? Start mastering your ability to move, shift, transform, protect and spiritually cleanse your energy, bringing a whole new level of balance, clarity, boundaries & abundant energy flow. Master your energy. Master your life.

Mediumship 101

Want to talk to dead people? Already have them connecting with you? Learn the pathways of sensing Spirit and how to receive and perceive accurate messages of validation, healing and love from those beyond the veil.

Art of Channeling

Wishing you could channel ancient knowledge, Divine wisdom or Ascended Masters and Creator itself? Learn how it works, why it works, and the step by step art of Channelling with higher frequencies of consciousness.

What Others Have Experienced And so can You!


"This program literally changed my life and everyone needs to know about this program and connecting. I can't believe how much I've grown and changed during this time."

Susan S.

"I feel more connected now and more safe being here ont he earth plane. My life is moving forward slowly and I'm not in a hurry anymore. I trust. I surrender. My mission is to be ME. The REAL me. Thank you."

Marie J.

"I am very happy that I decided to participate. Each day I came away feeling lighter and more connected to my higher self. I remembered things that I did not realize I knew. Memories came back to me, as Erin said "like puzzle pieces falling into place".  My mother, who has already passed on, held my hand. This Expansion was very special. I feel like I've ascended to a higher level."

Colette A.

"Holy guacamole! That was quite a session. Spiritually I feel like I just had a loving sit down with an elder who eased all my frivolous fears and reminded me about the beautiful Truth. Physically I feel more vibrant, energetic, calm and content. And emotionally I feel grounded, no longer overwhelmed & like I've regained my big picture perspective."."

Philipa S.

Hi! I'm Erin.



As a Spiritual healer and Intuitive Guide, I've spent a number of years diving into all things energy & Spirit since the death of my youngest daughter Ava, in 2010. Spirit has taken me to places I never imagined existed & experiencing things I never believed possible! Through teaching, writing, quantum healing, channelling, guiding through different spiritual realms and energies, I've been able to help souls from all walks of life and faith's, to transform different layers of their lives, struggles, sorrows, hearts, intuitive abilities and consciousness, so they could take the leap into the next level of their soul's journey. 

Whether you are just stepping into the wonder of Spirit, or are wide open & feel your gifts are a heavy burden, or dabbling in the Quantum Field - The Divine has shown me over and over the many paths of souls & how the shadow and light of our lives can culminate in transformation, joy, freedom, power and enlightenment for each and every one of us.

Every soul has a unique set of intuitive skills and blueprint for this life, and nothing excites me more than helping others uncover their own gifts & step into their power, freedom, magic and joy! 

Learn how you can OWN your INTUITIVE RIGHT HERE!

Join the waitlist to be notified when the Online ONLY Intuition, Alchemy & Energy Courses are available!

The 2024 Online Courses will be available soon - Let Spirit guide you with these tools to help you tap in and co-create the life you;ve always dreamt of and get ready for a whole new way of living, a new level of consciousness, and a new way to master your energy in 2024!